Happy when morning came. Needed to tell someone. Need to find out what the hell that was. Was this a joke someone was playing? The way it flew was no joke. Hope it was man-made. Whats going on in Nine Mile Canyon? Pack up quickly and decide to explore a bit more of the petroglyphs before driving to Green River to get my shaking self back together. Met a guy and his son pulling out of camp. He was the right guy. I told him what I’d seen. He happened to have been a UFO sighting investigator at one point in life! He asked me several questions like; was there any sound? (no) What shape? Did it glow? Was it light or mechanical? Did you find any bruises or marks on your body?
His name was Doyle Angus. He mentioned I could report it on a website www.mofon.com He had a knowing look in his eyes. I gave him my phone number. I didn't even think to check my body.
Everything seems fine. Except my right nostril. It seems sensitive. Probably nothing.
Had to tell someone. Rock drawings are taking on a different significance. I can’t put my finger on it, but I still feel like I’m being watched. I cross paths a few miles north of camp with Doyle as he is looking for petroglyphs also. Somehow his presence was reassuring.
I get to canyon mid-point and turn round. Drive to truck stop at Green River.
Another town biting oil boom dust. I wonder if UFO was oil company drone? May never know what that was.
In Green River there’s a Wi-Fi connection and phone service at the truck stop. Start searching for UFO information. I start filing a report with mofon.com. Towards the end of filling out submission form it demands all rights to my reported incident, including picture and drawings I was going to send. This smacks of cashing in! Decide not to file the account. I'll put it on my blog. I email BLM and ask if they utilize drones in Nine Mile Canyon. Hope someone responds.
Don’t know what to do with this experience now. Everything seems even stranger than it was. I may need to speak to some experts. Could aliens already be working amongst us? A new meaning to the term illegal aliens. It was probably a drone. In the future they may be commonplace. Not so comforting in the present.