Getting settled into RV has been going well. Good that there is more storage area than I remember. Since my mind quickly tires of this organizing process, I need frequent breaks. Hundreds of items need assigning a location based on usage and convenience. Michael, my first RV park host, has been a good friend. Fun to hang with. Kicking soccer ball. Walking dogs on nice easy trails that seem to all lead to a great view of Mt. Rainier. Visiting markets and estate sales. We went to a great discount market where I bought 2 nice eggplants for $1.00! They would have been $6, maybe more in Seattle. We grilled ’em as steaks in olive oil last night and results were mucho satisfying. Spent a few nights gazing into the amazing universe and solving humanities problems. Theres an app to help identify planets and constellations. If you point your smart phone at the earth you can see what is on the other side of Earth. Shooting stars amaze me. People around this countryside known as Waller, east of Tacoma and west of Puyallup seem down to earth and friendly. Slowing down from city life pace is agreeable. I need to work on conversation skills. Been more of a listener. Engaging in conversation seems most valuable and not a waste of time. A pleasure; I feel a need to participate. Been thinking a lot about what it will be like navigating America’s freeways and finding space to hook up or not hook up; RV camping and boon-docking. It surely will not be a kicked back existence. Hands on deck. One wrong turn in this rig and there could be a real problem! Twenty eight feet and put another twelve feet for the truck and my rig is forty feet long. Glad I went this direction and listened to Andy. I was going to buy a self contained Sprinter van. Much more money and much less space. That would have soon got old with JP and GG bouncing about. GPS is wonderful. A bit confusing as the blinking blue dot tells you right away if you’re going in the right direction. There are many apps to consider and learn my way around. After all, I’m not doing this to make my life easier! I’m doing it to shake up my life. I reached a level of success with my business which I could have continued and done very well. Most would choose to maintain the course. Nose to the grindstone.The flip side of that is the effect comfort and stability has; not so conducive for a creative soul, in my experience. I’m always asking myself questions. Questions such as What are you suppose to do? Why? How did I get so old anyway? Are you happy doing what your doing? Who told you what to like? What do you want to do? Just at retirement point and I’m starting new. It feels wonderful. I hope what I’m doing here is moving forward and embracing future as opposed to escaping a life of mortgage payments and work drudgery. I’m not retiring really. Quite the opposite. I’m gearing up for a new creative surge. Been getting situated in RV and had a few surprises along the way. Like when I smacked my head on the ceiling above bed. Beware of low clearance! Don’t be jumping up suddenly or you may have a concussion. Hope my instinctual self absorbed that lesson so I don’t have a repeat. May need a smaller coffee maker, the one I have is huge for this place. Love my morning coffee. Made waffles two times and Michael enjoyed. Got the cook time and thickness down for perfect waffles. I was going to give waffle iron to Michael but decided to keep for road. I may make a friend or two and making waffles is a treat to offer. So I guess I waffled on the waffle iron. Sorry Michael. This RV camping is not to be confused with survivalist like that Alaskan wilderness guy on PBS. He is certainly returning to my collection of heros along with Spiderman and Batman. I’m using the bunk area well for the dogs. Put their crates in there and opened sides so they connect together. Fits perfect with no wasted space. And there's a door to open outside though too high for them to jump in themselves. Dogs have learned to go down the entrance steps without falling on their chins but still need to lift them up to get in. Michael helped me put carpet on the steps to help dogs get traction. We used the red carpet from my gallery which I used on opening nights to invite people in. Kinda cool to bring along that connection. JP & GG (pronounced: Jay Pee & Jee Jee) are adapting well. They have met a few dogs on the way without consequence. But JP did bite a loose skinned lanky golden lab. The woman was a sweetheart and earthy. She thought nothing of it. I was stressed out. So mad at JP. He would not let go. Will be using cloth muzzles to take them to dog park. My goal here is to get them to not attack other dogs and would be great if they took to normal sniffing of asses. They are so cute, no one believes they could be so aggressive. You can tell they want to socialize. Hooked up water yesterday, with prompting by Michael. Used a hose he bought at estate sale for $2. I nice long green hose. Problem was it leaked and some mud came out. Found the right clean water hose and hooked that up. Paula and Kevin, the nice folks I bought the Nomad from, showed me around the RV and spent over an hour explaining what is what. Wish I would have recorded some of that info. Anyway, the water is flowing. Electricity is hooked to land line. Everything works so far. Record setting rain over the last few days has been a good test. Found no leaks. Knock on wood. Been reading about condensation and how cooking and showering brings it on. Can create leakages around windows. Another test will by creating a dry camping scenario, unhooking all land lines and relying on 12 volt system only. So much to learn and it is a joy. To walk out in the country side to the sound of frogs and twittering birds. Horses grazing. No news. No TV. Though I would like to get the TV going! I enjoy watching movies and some sports, especially football. Settling in has gone well. Another week ought to do it. My house goes up for sale next week. So when it sells I'll need to clear out remaining furniture and feel free to explore America! |
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July 2023