I’ve never met Mauve but I guess she likes my house. She has good taste! Got me a bit miffed even though I don’t know her. The house looks like a MILLION BUCKS and Mauve has made a low-ball offer. She intends to pay cash but that doesn’t really help me. My agent Ellen says she checked her bank statement and sees the money is there. I countered with a price of about a third of the discount she requested. If she has cash, why not pay me what the house is worth? I worked hard for 12 years to bring that house to fruition. The backyard is a sanctuary. Why shouldn’t I be paid. So hard to get ahead between all the parties taking their piece.
I’m happy to sell it now. Looks like we have agreed on price. Good riddens. Now I can ramble on with the Mystery Tour. If anyone is reading this they may wonder if and when I will hit the road. I wreckon to be headed for my first camping destination, North Bend, around May 1st.
In the meantime, I’ve been living in my fifth wheel with the 2 terriers as a dress rehearsal, in a friends driveway, perfectly fit for an RV.
GG has an urge of wandering out towards the road and JP will run off if he hears something of interest. I completely lost him for 45 minutes a week ago. Early one morning it was still pitch black when I panicked that he was gone.
There have been coyotes running through these pastures lately. Took one of Michaels chickens the other dusk. Was it possible they snatched up JP? I searched surrounding fields with not a sign.
My last resort for finding him proved successful. I used his sister to track him down. By pointing at JPs dung and saying “wheres JP? Find JP!!!”
It was like some Lassie/Hollywood movie. GG sniffed the ground and she took off towards Waller Road! I followed her a few blocks and looked down the street to see a little white speck darting back and forth across the street. Cars were going by and I held my breath each time they passed without hitting him. As I ran towards him he runs up to a gate where 2 enormous German Shepards look ready to tear him apart. JP jumped right up to the gate, jumping aggressively at both dogs. No gate and JP would be bloody dead.
Picked him up and dragged dogs back to RV, glad no harm was done.
I gave GG lots of petting & kisses for her role in finding JP.
She has become a bit aloof and doesn’t come when I call her. Between the two,
I don’t see how I can take them to camp grounds with their aggressive streak.
Lately I’ve been pondering my life ahead. Hoping there is happiness to be had.
I do find happiness in the small things. That just may be all there is to it. Can’t depend on anyone to make it happen for me.
Seaweed crisps, chocolate cookies, red wine, and Farkle with Michael is giving me satisfaction in these days of semi-limbo. Been checking into campsites where I want to travel and studying up on how the RV camp circuit works.
Many have websites. They make it easy but charge as much as a cheap hotel room.
I need to find the dry campsites where its’ less than $20 a night.
Now that would be cool.
Looking forward to meeting people on the way.