Used the phone navigation to find Tall Chief RV Resort. Set up camp. No problems.
Found a spot (#27) easy to back into. Neighbors all around. Most have dogs, sort of a worry.
Mine not dog friendly. Tried to find homes for them with no success. So here now, trying to work it out. Doing my best to think ahead to avoid “situations”. Spoke to one neighbor, gray haired guy like me. Baseball cap with more advanced belly than mine. His dog is old and blind. I let him know our dogs must not meet or there would be blood. JP would get the worst of that encounter.
This place is beautiful with plenty of wilderness. Cedars, firs, Maples galore. Nice stone firepit and table. Nice to have the folding bike to scoot around on. Going for a shower and later drive into Fall City to check out Snoqualmie Falls, go shopping, and beer at local dive bar, The Last Frontier. There is a pool here crammed with of screaming children having fun. I’ll have to wait for evening.
Really I’m a hermit and should start seek out knowledge catering tofor hermit like people.
Soon as I can get Wi-Fi I’ll google some "how to hermit" sites.
Replaced my RV tires at Les Schwab in North Bend ($600 ouch). LS was great. Did all four RV tires in about an hour. I donated to a cancer fund raising group of Junior High level kids. They washed my rig. Felt good about that. Raising $ for cancer research and getting clean too. Group was called Relay to Life (
Left the Tall Chief Resort and arrived at Snoqualmie River RV Park. The park is on the
river without much privacy. I’m on an end-cap where road splits, RVs all round.
Took dogs to river about 100’ from site 75. They loved it. Had an encounter with a wolf looking dog and black lab which were unleashed. The dogs came over in a friendly good natured way to meet JP and GG. I reigned JP in but the wolf dog came right in to get bit on the neck.
Of course JP attacked and latched to wolf dogs neck. The woman was obese and slow about getting over to pull her dog away. She was laughing as I pleaded for her to call her dog. She also had a black lab, both were friendly dogs.
Hard to shake JP off. GG joined in by attacking the dogs haunches. Wolf dog then got into fight mode and sank his teeth into JPs head. In a way I was glad JP would get the worst of it. The violence was too much for me! I wonder if this dog thing is going to work out.
My friend Kim (namesake) and Jan Holler with Michael Rose were visiting at the time.
Jan is very animated. I’m amazed at her ability to read lips since she is deaf. Her speaking voice is more clear than my own. Her husband Mike, a retired Boeing engineer good natured low key gentleman.
The dogs kind of ruined our should be pleasant little outing to the river beach. Maybe it added some excitement? Kim took GG’s leash and started using some dog whisperer techniques. Letting me know how to keep them feeling safe with me in charge. To protect them so they don’t have to be protectors. That bit makes sense. Kim took GG swimming (against her will) and I let JP do his thing pawing the water and mud like a crazed lunatic. I reined him in after 10 minutes while catching up with friends whom we knew in common. News is 40th class reunion was flat (since I wasn’t there). Also got reports of the previous two Issaquah High class reunions of Class of 1974. I hear there was over the top drunk puking idiocy at the 20th Reunion. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy drinking to a point. These guys were puking on the carpets of the Holiday Inn. Quite a proud legacy to leave. Guess its who you ask, like anything else. You’ll find someone who thought it was great.
They say Rich Payne once owned the Black Dog in North Bend. He’s a very cool guy, nicest you’d ever want to meet. Guess he sold it. Stills plays in a band for charity events. He use to play his keyboard in my cabin down on Lake Sammamish. Living on the lake was some the best times in my life. Boating the rounds of lakefront friends:
Corky, Dean, Vance, Dale, Jan, Judy, Mark, Lynn, Bucky, Steve, and Terry. I was most unlikely member of bunch since I was from less fortunate circumstances, living on my own without plumbing in a 6’ x 12’ horse shed converted to a boat house. I had a place for these teenagers to gather and vent, compare notes and stories around the campfire. Many more from Issaquah High visited my cabin in the summers of 1973 and 1974.
The spot came to be known as Kims’ Cabin. It’s amazing how many people you can cram into a space like that and have a great time. Once got 4 man band with amps cranked up playing in there. Yes, really! Of course there was a keg or spoolie.
We smoked a lot of pot back then, before it was legal. There was a phat rope swing off the cabin roof tied high in one of the mighty Cottonwoods. I remember watching Scott (my half brother) shimmy up that tree and tie it up there. Rope swing, tree and cabin have been replaced by 2 million dollar home. My mom sold the property back in the eighties for 40k. I wanted to buy then but had no resources. Just a poor starving artist.
Still a starving artist, but not starving for food.