Set up camp yesterday at Twanoh State Park on southeast side of Hoods Canal.
A popular place, arrived on a Sunday and it was 90 degrees. Beach was packed with families. Most were young families. Nice views of Olympics. Very windy and refreshing on a hot day. Clam digging is closed, oysters still harvestable.
JP loves the brook that babbles into Canal. I saw a sign about disturbing creek bed (spawning salmon) so I decide to let them romp in the breaking waves.
I enjoy strolling as it allows me to be in the moment. Not planning or rehashing. Just observing and ongoing dialog with immediate happenings. Mostly waves breaking, sea-gulls, dogs, puttering people. A boy pushing his baby brother in a small black stroller races by. Funny, cute, and dangerous! I look around for parents but none in sight.
Those boys were having pure fun! My parents would not have allowed that for a second!
Sun is going down so I head back to campsite #46T. It was a challenge backing the RV in earlier. It didn’t help with a guy with 2 dogs standing close by and watching. My dogs were going mad in back while I wrestled with the rig. Seeing I was having trouble, a nice man came over and spotted for me. I tried at least 5 times before getting RV positioned. A tight fit. The RV including the truck is 44’ (measured by Washington Ferry System).
Still, my backing up abilities are improving.
Ran out of dog food. The dogs are accustom to Kirkland brand (Costco) dry food and Evo canned food from Mud Bay. This will be an ongoing issue. I am chained to these brands! I had to make a 40 minute drive to Silverdale to get dog food. I could change brands with a transition period of mixing the old and new together. If one doesn’t do this there is a likely smelly disgusting repercussion.
Discovered my Runes and did a reading. Runes were spot on!!!
Think I’ll make a regular practice of consulting Runes to help focus on this ramblin’ journey. I hope to identify a new direction for my artwork to take.
A very thin Korean boy named Bailey came over to my site and befriended JP.
He likes to yap and ask too many questions. At first I’m happy to answer but realize this is not going to stop. I make an excuse and exit gracefully into RV. They are camped next site over. I hear him shouting to each person that comes within range, kid or adult. Bailey is a little ham. I have little desire to be social right now. This blog is my social involvement. I seek solitude as the sounds of nature are soothing as rose water to my urban anxiety. Looking forward to exploring the trail that follows the brook up the hillside with dogs.
We hiked up those trails. There were a few steep inclines and ledges which caused me some concern for JP. He has gone over ledges a few times. One time in Robe Valley where I thought he was a goner for sure! Took me over an hour to hike down and recover the little rubber dog. He bounced down a sheer cliff through thick brush, rocky clusters, and fallen logs.Thought I’d find a broken up dying pooch but instead found a dog whole and intact, an expression as if nothing happened. If that were a person he/she would most certainly be seriously wounded or dead.
I especially like the forest trails here. This park is beautiful but a bit too crowded with noisy campers (kids) for my liking.
A popular place, arrived on a Sunday and it was 90 degrees. Beach was packed with families. Most were young families. Nice views of Olympics. Very windy and refreshing on a hot day. Clam digging is closed, oysters still harvestable.
JP loves the brook that babbles into Canal. I saw a sign about disturbing creek bed (spawning salmon) so I decide to let them romp in the breaking waves.
I enjoy strolling as it allows me to be in the moment. Not planning or rehashing. Just observing and ongoing dialog with immediate happenings. Mostly waves breaking, sea-gulls, dogs, puttering people. A boy pushing his baby brother in a small black stroller races by. Funny, cute, and dangerous! I look around for parents but none in sight.
Those boys were having pure fun! My parents would not have allowed that for a second!
Sun is going down so I head back to campsite #46T. It was a challenge backing the RV in earlier. It didn’t help with a guy with 2 dogs standing close by and watching. My dogs were going mad in back while I wrestled with the rig. Seeing I was having trouble, a nice man came over and spotted for me. I tried at least 5 times before getting RV positioned. A tight fit. The RV including the truck is 44’ (measured by Washington Ferry System).
Still, my backing up abilities are improving.
Ran out of dog food. The dogs are accustom to Kirkland brand (Costco) dry food and Evo canned food from Mud Bay. This will be an ongoing issue. I am chained to these brands! I had to make a 40 minute drive to Silverdale to get dog food. I could change brands with a transition period of mixing the old and new together. If one doesn’t do this there is a likely smelly disgusting repercussion.
Discovered my Runes and did a reading. Runes were spot on!!!
Think I’ll make a regular practice of consulting Runes to help focus on this ramblin’ journey. I hope to identify a new direction for my artwork to take.
A very thin Korean boy named Bailey came over to my site and befriended JP.
He likes to yap and ask too many questions. At first I’m happy to answer but realize this is not going to stop. I make an excuse and exit gracefully into RV. They are camped next site over. I hear him shouting to each person that comes within range, kid or adult. Bailey is a little ham. I have little desire to be social right now. This blog is my social involvement. I seek solitude as the sounds of nature are soothing as rose water to my urban anxiety. Looking forward to exploring the trail that follows the brook up the hillside with dogs.
We hiked up those trails. There were a few steep inclines and ledges which caused me some concern for JP. He has gone over ledges a few times. One time in Robe Valley where I thought he was a goner for sure! Took me over an hour to hike down and recover the little rubber dog. He bounced down a sheer cliff through thick brush, rocky clusters, and fallen logs.Thought I’d find a broken up dying pooch but instead found a dog whole and intact, an expression as if nothing happened. If that were a person he/she would most certainly be seriously wounded or dead.
I especially like the forest trails here. This park is beautiful but a bit too crowded with noisy campers (kids) for my liking.